I hear you that a feeling/vibe can be a niche for a publisher, but I want to talk a bit about why we're so focused on topical niches as opposed to vibe niches.
"People who like stories about overcoming adversity" is a great vibe, but it can be hard for our distribution algorithm to know how to find people like that. "People interested in paleontology" is a topical niche we know we can do a good job finding readers for... "People who like feeling happy" is a more challenging prospect.
As a publisher myself, the way I thought about it was that my pub’s vibes were its mission & brand statement, while the pub’s TOPIC was the actual niche I was in. There can be 5 different publications about information security with 5 different vibes/brands... but they’re all in the same topical niche.
Does all that make sense? I like to dork out on the stuff, so lemme know if you have thoughts!