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Lapdances for god 🤸‍♀️
The joy of a daily devotional dance practice

Every morning I start the day the same way: I wake up, and when the voices in my head get too noisy, I get out of bed, start the kettle, put on my headphones, and do a lapdance for god.
Before I even get started, I feel like I have to clarify that the “god” I’m referring to here is the secular concept of universal force, the energy that drives entropy, the non-dualistic stuff of molecules and chemistry. While I’m sure there are Christians, Jews, and other theists who do lapdances for God-with-an-uppercase-G, that’s not me so I can’t share that perspective.
These morning lapdances are sometimes only a song long, but if my son is away at his father’s house, they sometimes stretch into half an hour. I stretch my arms up, I bend over, I crack my ankles, I roll around on the floor, I see what hurts.
Here in my mid-40s, something almost always hurts. I suspect that’s not aging, but just how bodies are. Pain just tells you something needs attention and love, and isn’t there always something that needs attention and love? I think my body was always in conversation with me, I just didn’t bother notice when I was younger.