Thanks so much for sharing all of this! I super appreciate you talking me through it.
Ok, so this is me taking OFF my Medium hat and putting on my "author who's written books about using suffering to fuel positive changes" hat.
Part of my motivation in asking the question is this: In myself, I have recognized that when I'm in a place where I'm unhappy but I continue to stay... it can help me to examine how staying in the situation is serving me.
For me, sometimes even profound frustrating experiences can serve a kind of purpose in their misery, and the more I understand about what those actual purposes are, the more access I have to making an informed decision. Either I can my peace with being where I'm at (frustrations and all!) or I can make the choice to change. Either I can be like, "Ah, I might be frustrated but it's serving me so I can make my peace with just being here" or I can be like "Nope, I actually really hate this, and it's not serving me at all, so it's time for me to make a different choice."
As someone who's been using content management systems and media platforms for 25 years, I've had to make my peace with leaving many platforms that worked for me at one time, but eventually stopped serving my needs -- either because the platform changed, or because my needs changed.
As someone who has witnessed you publicly voice frustrations repeatedly, there's a certain point where some self-inquiry may be useful. I would suggest that when you find yourself using a platform to talk vehemently about not liking that platform, it's a healthy time for that self-inquiry.
Again, I'm saying this firmly NOT as a Medium employee, but just as someone who's been where you're at many times over the years, in many different contexts. In your comments, I'm seeing you suffer, and I hope you can find peace... whatever that means for you!